A Crash Course on Industrial Beacon Lights
You may have never heard of a beacon light before, and you may not work in an industrial setting that uses any sort of automated procedures, but you’ve seen these devices nonetheless. Have you ever seen a rotating blue or red light atop an emergency service or response vehicle? That’s what you were looking at - a beacon light. These practical yet simple devices have far-reaching benefits and practical implications in the situations in which they are deployed for the purposes of enhancing and streamlining communication, boosting workflows, and increasing public safety. What Are Beacon Lights ? In classical usage, beacon lights were raised light platforms that warned ships of hazardous conditions, such as shoals or reefs. Today, beacon lights are still raised lights, typically placed at the top of towers or other special platforms. This enables them to be seen at greater distances than would otherwise be possible. It is typically considered imperative that a beacon light be v...